1.The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.

(1)when I first met Nelson Mandela是由when引导的定语从句,修饰 time。
(2)period 是个典型的一词多义的名词,可以指“时期;一段时间”,“课时,一节课”,或者指“句号”。例如:
  The most difficult period of my life was when I was in the middle school.
  The school day is divided into 7 periods. 学校一天有7节课。
 = There're seven lessons in a school day.
  Use a period at the end of a statement or request.

2.It was in 1952 and he had opened a black law firm to advise poor black people on their problems.

 1)指时间 例如:
  It is nine o'clock now. 现在9点了。
  错误:Now is nine o'clock.
 2)指天气、季节 例如:
  It is getting cold in the hills. 山里逐渐变冷了。
  错误:The hills are getting cold.
 3)指距离 例如:
  It is ten miles from here. 距此有10英里。
  错误:From here is ten miles.
 4)指环境或情况 例如:
  It's too noisy for me. 对我来说这里太吵了。
  错误:For me is too noisy.
(2)advise v.(advice n. ) give advice to; recommend 劝告;忠告;建议 例如:
  The doctor advised a complete rest. 医生劝告要彻底休息。
  What do you advise me to do? 你看我该怎么办?
  You won't get well unless you follow your doctor's advice.
  I'd like to give you some advice on how to study English.

3.I had to leave, because my family could not continue to pay the school fees and the bus fare.

(1)辨析:have to和must
  have to do sth 表示他人或客观情况要求“必须”做某事。例如:
  The children have to go to school on Friday. 孩子们在星期五必须上学。
  Do you often have to go to the dentists? 你必须常常去看牙医吗?
  must表示说话者本人认为“必须”干什么,否定回答时用needn't (不必)。例如:
  Soldiers must obey orders. 军人必须服从命令。
  You must be here at nine o'clock. 你9点钟必须到这里。
  注意,口语中常用have got to来表示“必须”。例如:
  I have got to leave now, because I have a meeting in ten minutes.
(2)continue v. 继续(做某事)
  He will be continuing his education in the US. 他将在美国继续学业。
 2)continue to do sth/doing sth continue后可跟动词不定式/动名词。如:
  She continued to work/working after she had had a baby. 她生完孩子后继续工作。
  They continued to talk/talking after the meal. 饭后他们继续谈话。

4.After trying hard, I got a job in a gold mine. 几经周折,我才在一家金矿找到一份工作。
(1)after trying hard在此是一个表示时间的介词短语,在此作状语。after 作介词用时,后面的动词要用动名词形式;而当连词用时,后面可以连接一个从句。例如:
  After having breakfast, I went to school by bike.
  After we had finished tea, we all sat on the grass talking.
(2)try hard = make a lot of effort to do sth 尽力去做某事。例如:
  Tom tried hard to keep a diary everyday, but three months later he gave up.

5.Sadly I did not have this passbook because I was not born there and I was worried about whether I would be out of work.

(1)worry v. 焦虑;不安;烦恼;担心 该词常和that 或介词about连用,后接宾语。例如:
  My father worries that he might lose his job. 父亲担心他可能失去工作。
  They didn't have to worry about money. 他们不用再为钱发愁了。
  He worries about the slightest thing. 他总是为鸡毛蒜皮的小事困扰。
注:be worried (about) 为……发愁;为……焦虑 这是一个形容词短语,强调的是状态;而worry about / that则强调的是动作。不过在实际使用时很难区分。请对比:
  I'm so worried about the exams. 我很担心考试。
  It's no use to worry about the exams. 担心考试是没有用的。
(2) be out of work 失业 该短语相当于jobless; unemployed。例如:
  I think you are out of work just at present. 我认为你失业只是暂时的。
  This means the boy may be out of work for some time. 这意味着这个男孩要失业一段时间。

6.The day when Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me was one of the happiest days of my life.

(1)when Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me是同位语从句,对其前面的day起说明和解释作用。但也可把该从句看成定语从句;另外,在该同位语从句里还含有一个宾语从句what to do。
(2)常用句型:tell sb+(what, how, why, when, which...)+to do sth 例如:
  The farmer told us what to do to help with milking.
能用在这个结构中的常见动词还有:show, ask, advise, teach等。例如:
  The teacher showed us how to make sentences.
  He advised us what to read.
  The teacher teaches students how to look up new words in a dictionary.

7.I joined it as soon as I could. 我马上就参加了这个组织。
(1)join 虽然是常见的动词,但有时容易和join in 用混了。join作及物动词用时,意思是“become a member of 加入;参加(团体、组织、机构、部队等)”。例如:
  Will you join us for dinner? 你和我们一起吃午饭,好吗?
  We joined the school basketball club. 我们加入了校篮球队。
 join in 参加某活动(作不及物动词用)。例如:
  May I join in the game? 我可以参加这个游戏吗?
  Then a girl clerk joined in the discussion. 接着,一个年轻的女职员参加讨论。
(2)as soon as(表示时间)一……就;当……的时候。例如:
  He started as soon as he received the news. 他一听到消息就立刻动身了。
  I will tell him the news as soon as I see him. 我一见到他就告诉他这个消息。

8.The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.

(1)本句里有两个不同的定语形式:一个是分词短语stopping our rights and progress用来作laws的定语;另一个是定语从句 where we have almost no rights at all用来作stage的定语。
  The following year saw the death of both his sisters.
  The 5th century saw the end of the Roman Empire.
(3)until conj.直到……之时;在……以前(与till同义,但until比till正式。用于句首时,多写作until)例如:
  Let's wait until / till the rain stops.
  Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.
  until 也可作介词,并且在否定句型“...not...until...”中多译为“到……才;在……之前”。例如:
  I did not see papa until the evening. 我直到晚上才看到爸爸。
  It was not until late afternoon that he began to do his homework.
(4)at all意思是“根本;全然”,用来加强语气,常用于否定句中。例如:
  I didn't agree at all. 我根本就不同意。
  He wasn't tired at all. 他一点也不累。
  Not at all. 是回应别人表示谢意时使用的自谦语,意思是“不用谢”或“哪里的话”。例如:
  A: We are giving you a lot of trouble. 我们给您添了那么多麻烦。
  B: Not at all. 哪里的话。

9.That parts of town where they lived were places decided by white people. 他们在城里的住宅区都是由白人决定的。
  decided by white people是过去分词短语,这里作定语用,修饰places,其语法功能相当于一个定语从句,即:which were decided by white people。再如:
  He ate up the cake made by his mother. 他把妈妈做的蛋糕吃完了。
 = He ate up the cake which had been made by his mother.
  The present given to him is a recorder. 送给他的礼物是一个录音机。
 = The present which was given to him is a recorder.

10....we were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government.

(1)in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government是定语从句,修饰position,关系代词which用作介词in的宾语。
  I cannot accept your apology. 我不能接受你的道歉。
  I have decided to accept the job. 我决定接受这项工作。
  He received the present, but did not accept it. 他收到了礼物,但没有接受。

11....only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.

  本句里的did we decide是部分倒装结构。当only修饰副词或状语且位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装。例如:
  I learn the terrible news only today.(非倒装句)
  Only today did I learn the terrible news. 直到今天我才知道这个可怕的消息。
  We can solve the problem only in this way. (非倒装句)
  Only in this way can we solve the problem. 只有用这种方法,我们才能解决问题。
  Only John saw the lion. 只有约翰看到了狮子。
  Only she remembered that it was my birthday. 只有她记得那天是我的生日。

12.As a matter of fact, I do not like violence...but in 1963 I helped him blow up some government buildings.

(1)as a matter of fact 实际上;确实;事实是(类似于in fact)
  As a matter of fact, I do know her. 其实我确实认识她。
  I didn't go yesterday, and as a matter of fact, I didn't go all week.
(2)help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事
  help后可以跟带不定式的复合结构,既help+宾语+to do sth (里面的to可以省去)。例如:
  I helped him (to) look for his lost watch. 我帮助他找他的表。
  I thought that seeing him would help her to go better. 我认为去看看他有利于她康复。
(3)blow up 爆炸;给(轮胎)打气 例如:
  Roads and bridges and railways were blown up. 公路、桥梁和铁路都被炸毁了。
  I have to get my front tyres blown up. 我得给前胎打打气。

13.It was very dangerous because if I was caught, I could be put in prison for years.

(1)put sb in prison 把某人关进监狱 例如:
  Law breakers are put in prison. 违反法律者将被监禁。
对比:He has been in prison for 5 years. 他坐了五年牢。
(2)could 是情态动词,在句子里表示判断,意思是“可能”,但也可以使用might代替。例如:
  If I get up at five, I could (might) catch the earliest train to Beijing.
  如果五点钟起床,也许我能赶上最早去北京的火车。(如果使用can ,语气上较用could显得更有把握。)

14....because I knew it was to realize our dream of making black and white people equal.
   …… 因为我知道,这是为了实现我们黑人和白人平等的梦想。

(1)make在句子里是使役动词,意思是“使成为,变得”,后跟形容词+其它,即make sb/sth+形容词+其它。如本句中的“...making black and white people equal”,意即“使黑人和白人平等”。课文中相似的结构如:
  You cannot imagine how the sound of the name of Robben Island made us afraid.
  Praise makes good men better and bad men worse.
  It'll make me so happy if you accept it. 如果你能接受,我会非常高兴。
  That made me feel good about myself. 这让我觉得自己还不错。
  You have made me feel secure. 你让我感觉很安全。
  You may take a horse to the water, but you can't make it drink.

15.There I spent the hardest time of my life. 在那里我度过了我一生中最艰难的岁月。
  spend常指“度过;花,用,(时间、金钱、精力等)”,经常和介词on 或in连用,即我们常见的动词短语:spend... on sth /(in)doing sth 例如:
  I spent several happy years in the city of Tokyo. 我在东京度过了几年好时光。
  He spends a lot of time on/in entertaining friends. 他招待朋友花了很多时间。
  I spent half my money on clothes. 我把一半的钱都花在衣服上。

16.But when I got there Nelson Mandela was also there and in one way it helped me.

  in a/one way 在某种程度上;就某个意义来说 例如:
  In a way, he is right. 从某种程度上说,他是正确的。
  In a way her health is much improved, but she is still not really well.

17.He taught us during the lunch breaks and evenings when we should have been asleep.

(1) “should have+过去分词”表示过去本来应该做到,但却没有做到,语气上有抱怨的色彩。例如:
  She should have been attending a meeting yesterday morning. 昨天上午她本应该一直在开会。
  They shouldn't have been chatting then. 那个时候他们不该一直闲谈。
(2) 辨析:asleep 和sleep
  sleep 是动词,意思是“睡觉;睡眠”,该词只表示动作,不表示状态。如果表示状态,就要用形容词asleep,其意思是“睡着的”(但不可用于名词前作定语)。请对比:
  He's sleeping. 他在睡觉。
  He's asleep. 他睡着了。
  I slept late last night and I fell asleep at 12 o'clock.

18.I became a good student and wanted to study for my degree but I was not allowed to do that.

(1)degree n. 学位 例如:
  Bachelor's degree 学士学位
  Master's degree 硕士学位
  Doctor's degree 博士学位
(2)allow+名词/代词+不定式 允许……做……;让……能够…… 例如:
  Please allow me to carry your bag. 让我替你拿提包。
  A sleeping pill allows me to sleep deeply. 一片安眠药能让我睡熟。

19.He said they should not be stopped from studying for their degrees.

(1)should not be stopped from studying为被动结构,其中的should 为情态动词。
(2)stop sb (from) doing sth 意为“阻止某人(做某事)”。例如:
  What can stop us from going if we want to go?
  I wish you'd stop him from playing jokes on others.