1. natural disaster 自然灾害 2. express emotion 表达情感
3. natural history 自然历史 4. be scared to death 被吓死
5. at hand 在手边 6. call for courage 需要勇气
7. upon arrival 一到 8. calm down 冷静下来
9. come to life 复活 10. on board 上船(登机 )
11. dirty weather 坏天气 12. knock about 近在咫尺
13. all of a sudden 突然 14. live through 挺过去
15. not a breath 纹丝不动 16. all at once 一下子
17. a puff of wind 一股风 18. cancel the trip 取消旅行
19. safety measures 安全措施 20. common sense 常识
21. active volcanoes 活火山 22. the extreme weather 极端气候
23. form a danger to people 对人们构成危险
24. in the Great Lakes region 在五大湖区
25. get into a total panic 非常惊慌
26. make one's hair stand on end 使人毛骨悚然
27. an unforgettable disaster 一次难忘的灾难
28. draw one's attention to sth. 吸引某人的注意
29. dark spots of dirt and ash 由泥土和尘埃组成的黑团
30. the very eye of the wind 风眼
31. at the foot of Vesuvius 在维苏威的山脚下
32. there is no way out 没有出路
33. beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事
34. hold one's course directly into danger 直奔危险地带
35. awake the scientist in my uncle 唤醒叔叔身上的科学精神
36. be prepared for... 为……准备好
37. with a tearing crash 随着一阵撕裂般的哗啦声

1. Some people got into a total panic... 有些人陷入一片恐慌之中……
 panic n./v. 注意用法与比较:
  1) n. At the approach of the fierce dinosaur the crowd fled in (a) panic.
  The fire warning caused a panic in the supermarket. 火警在超市中引起一片恐慌。
  2) v. If we were to panic we would not be able to help.
  Don't panic in time of danger. 危险时刻不要惊慌失策。
  The children panicked when they realized they were lost.
  Stop panicking. 别慌!
  3) 动词在词尾变化时,要加k,如上面例子。但第三人称单数不加k:
  She never panics. 她从不慌乱。
  The thunder panicked the horses. 响雷使马群慌乱一片。
  但Hearing the thunder, the kid panicked.

2. ...at such a distance we couldn't tell which one,...

  The picture looks better at a (some) distance. 这幅画隔一段距离看好些。
  There were some fruit trees at a distance from his home.
  The tower can be easily seen at a distance of 10 kilometers.
  I made out three figures moving in the distance.
  The hills in the distance were purple. 远方的山丘是紫色的。

3. The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand.

 (1) 该句直译是“唤醒了我叔叔心中的科学家……”,类似的例子:
  The lady's diamond necklace awoke the devil in the young man. He choked her and took it away.
 (2) at hand在近处,可指时间或空间:
  1) 空间:
  The post office is close at hand. 邮局就在附近。
  When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand.
  2) 时间:
  The examinations are at hand. 快要考试了。
  Eddy, full of courage, felt the battle close at hand.
 (3) from这个介词较为特殊,除了可接名词、代词、动名词作介词宾语,还可接副词,另一个介词等,见以下例子:
  A bike came along from behind me.
  I heard them calling me from far away.
  I took my watch from under the pillow.
  He climbed up the tall tree from where he could see farther away.

4. What started out as a trip for knowledge called for courage.

 call for:
  1) 要求,需要:
  Success in school calls for much hard work.
  The disease calls for careful treatment.
  2) 来取,来要(物):
  We called for the packages at the post office.
  We entered the bar and called for beers.
  The man has called for the rent.
  3) 邀约,来找(某人):
  I'll call for you at your house.
  He called for me at nine last night, and we went to the night club together.

5. Ash and bits of rock that were burnt black were falling onto the ship now, darker and more, the closer they went.

  后半句是the more...the more...结构,省略一个the,又例:
  The less she worried the better she worked. = She worked better the less she worried.
  The higher the velocity of steam, the greater (is) the turbine speed.
  The turbine speed is greater the higher the velocity of steam is.
  the more...the more...结构中,第一个the more...是从句。倘若主句放在前面时,就要恢复正常语序,比较级后置省去the。

6. Upon arrival, my uncle hugged Pompy and tried to give him courage.

  upon/on 在这里意为一……,一当……,又如:
  Upon arrival, they went in search of a hotel. 他们一到就去找宾馆。
  The students stood up on/upon the entrance of the headmaster.
  On/Upon arriving at the railway station, he found the train gone.
  I shall write to Max on hearing from you.

7. There were earthquakes and a rain of burning rocks was coming down.

  该句中的a rain of起的是量词的作用,表示burning rocks的数量之多。
  下文中的the shower of rocks起得也是同样的作用。

8. He looked more asleep than dead. 他看上去像睡着了,而不是死去。
 (1) more...than...在这句中有“与其说……不如说……”之意:
  She was more sad than angry when her son lied again.
 (2) more than也有类似用法,注意译文:
  He is more than a teacher. He is our close friend.
  I was more than pleased with my pay rise. I was over the moon!

9. You can pick out the important bits, for it is one thing to write a letter, another to write history, one thing to write to a friend, another to write for the public.

  注意该句中有一个重要的句型:"It is one thing to do..., another to do...",它的意思是“……是一回事,……又是一回事”。例如:
  It is one thing for you to stay here, another for me to ask you to stay here.

10. There's some dirty weather knocking about. 坏天气正在袭来。
 knock about/around 指存在在周围但你又不知何时出现。
  I think a snow storm is knocking about/around, though there's no sign yet.

11. She's done for,...  船完蛋了。
  do for 使完蛋(失败了)
  Last night's hurricane did for my new house.
  His corruption in "Oil for food" will do for his father's future.
  If he fails that test, he is done for.
  At the end of a long day, I'm just about done for.

12. He listened for the first sounds of returning wind. 他留心去听台风来的前奏。
 listen for 留心去听,等着听:
  The boys are listening for the bell at the end of class.
  Listen for the telephone ring.

13. The hurricane, with its power to sink ships and to destroy strong walls, had found this little ship in its path.

  注意find, see等的拟人用法,又例:
  The bullet found its mark. 子弹打中了目标。
  The small town has seen better days. 这个小镇曾经繁华过。
  Dawn found the little match girl lying on the ground dead.